Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser The Changcuters Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Flexi Pada Mahasiswa Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Komputer Indonesia (Studi Kasus Terhadap Sikap Mahaslswa Unikom Dalam Memutuskan Membeli Flexi)

Handayani Ansori, Trustorini (2013) Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser The Changcuters Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Flexi Pada Mahasiswa Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Komputer Indonesia (Studi Kasus Terhadap Sikap Mahaslswa Unikom Dalam Memutuskan Membeli Flexi).

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Tight of emulation him in telecommunications industry cause campany have to make more marketlng strategi morc creative, and innovative. One of them disptayed advertisement in television. So that sent information through adfirtisement can dnw attention consumer and target him can reach,advertisement require to be made in such a manner one of the its way that ls by using interesting endorses celebrity. Asforintention of this rcsearch is (1). Knowing Student Management of Economic Faculty lndonesia Computer university Comments toward endorser celebrity (The Changcuterc) at Flexi, (2). Knowing decision of Flexi buyingat Student Management of Econornic Faaulty lndonesia Computer tJnivercity, (3). Knowiig influence bigness of The Changcuters endorser celebdty toward decision of Flexi buying at Student Management of Economic Faculty lndonesia Computer University. Analysis method wich is used in this research is descriptive analysis and vedfikatff, while technique withdrcwal of sampel used technique purposif of sampel. So fhaf obtained by the amount taken as responden counted 90 peopte. Technique data collecting the used is abseruation, interuiew, and Ruesioner, hereinafter to know how far influence of endorcer celebity to d*isbn af Flexi buying at.Student Management of Economic Faculty lndonesia @mputer University hence by sfatisfical test by using conelation analysis of nnk sryarman, where to facilitate data prccessing of writer use SPSS 17.0 windows for software. From spreading of kuesioner known that The Changcuterc endorser celebrity have tulfilled all chancteristic which nust have by a endorser celebrity so that can form attitude (positi| G:ansumer. Purcuant to rcsult of examination of statistic got that The Changcuters endorcer celebrity have aneffect on signifikan toward decrsrbn of Flexi buying at Student Management of Fwnomic Faculty lndonesia Computer University.corrclation with of rate rz 0.616 . Where level of influence of The Changcuters endorser celebrity toward decision of Flexi buying at Student Management of Economic Faculty lndonesia Computer University equal to 37.94 % and the test equal to 62.06 Yo influenced by other factor which do not chec| by writer.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Celebrity Endorser, The Changcuters, Buying Decision
Subjects: Member > Ni
Divisions: Universitas Komputer Indonesia > Perpustakaan UNIKOM
Depositing User: Admin Repository
Date Deposited: 16 Nov 2016 08:06
Last Modified: 16 Nov 2016 08:06

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