Legal Protection for Widow Without Child in Bali Inheritance Adat Law

Maruli Tua Situmeang, Sahat and Sandria, Arinita and Wulan Sari, Febilita (2016) Legal Protection for Widow Without Child in Bali Inheritance Adat Law.

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Marriage is a bond inwardly and outwardly between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a family or household that is happy and eternally based on God. Some people in Indonesia still holds strong Adat Law. If there are children in the marriage, then the property will be inherited by the husband and children in the marriage but if there are no children then the property will become the property of the husband��s family. Legal protection should be provided to all citizens without exception, including the Balinese women. Currently, The Adat Law is thus considered to be very unfair for Balinese women, therefore, the issues raised in this article are: 1) How is the implementation of legal protection for the widow without child in Bali Inheritance Adat Law; and 2) What legal action can be taken by a widow without child in the community Adat Law Bali to seek the right for property ��gono-gini��. This study was conducted descriptive analysis, as well as the use of normative juridical approach, a method in which the law conceived as norms, rules, principles or dogma. This research was conducted in two stages, namely the library research and field data. Data collection techniques in this research is done in two ways, namely, the study of documents and interviews. Data analysis was conducted using qualitative methods of analysis juridical. The conclusions that can be drawn are: 1) Adat Inheritance Law of Bali not provide legal protection for widow without child, where the childless widow did not get the gono-gini property; and 2) The legal efforts can be reach by a widow without child in the community Bali Adat Law to seek the rights for gono gini property is to file a lawsuit on Bali Inheritance Adat Law to the District Court on the basis that the Bali Inheritance Adat Law does not provide legal protection and justice for women of Bali.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Member > Febi
Divisions: Universitas Komputer Indonesia > Perpustakaan UNIKOM
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2019 10:24
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2019 10:24

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