Nihon Jijou Kyouiku Ni Okeru Ibunka Komyunikeeshon Nouryoku No Ikusei O Unagasu Houhou Indonesi Nihongo Kyouiku O Jirei Toshite

Putra, Jeni (2018) Nihon Jijou Kyouiku Ni Okeru Ibunka Komyunikeeshon Nouryoku No Ikusei O Unagasu Houhou Indonesi Nihongo Kyouiku O Jirei Toshite.

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This study focuses on Japanese intercultural communication competence cultivation via the course of Nihonjijo (Japanese culture and society) in a foreign language environment that lacking direct communication chance with the Japanese speaker. Regarding the paradigm of Nihonjijo course, Hosokawa (2003) mentioned the expansion of foreign language teaching method and approach into Japanese education in Japan in the 1960��s, affected the course's paradigm. In the mid of 1960��s, Nihonjijo course also incorporated into Japanese education in Indonesian Universities to support the students to understand Japanese culture and society. However, the current studies showed there were problems in communication between the Japanese major��s alumni and the Japanese speakers who are working in the Japanese corporation in Indonesia. The problems such as the difficulties to understand Japanese phraseology, ambiguous expressions and the others that related to Japanese culture and communication style. As a hypothesis, this phenomenon has relation with Indonesian Nihonjijo course��s materials that inclined to cultural knowledge materials than cultural skills materials. If the main purposes of education are Japanese communication skill cultivation, ��Culture as interaction media with others�� that mentioned by Sasaki (2002) have to be incorporated into the curriculum with supporting the students to observe critically culture as part of communication skill

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Intercultural, Communication Competence, Cultivation, Nihonjio course
Subjects: Prosiding
Divisions: Universitas Komputer Indonesia > Perpustakaan UNIKOM
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2019 10:25
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2019 10:25

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