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Number of items at this level: 13.


Suhayati, Ely (2017) Experience of Public Accountant And Independence of Public Accountant Affect Public Accountant��s Work Results Quality And The Implications On Public Accounting Firm Reputation.

Suhayati, Ely (2017) The Influence Of Accounting Information System To Quality Financial Information On Small And Medium Micro Enterprises In Cimahi City.

Suhayati, Ely (2018) The Influence Of Accounting Information System To Quality Financial Information On Small And Medium Micro Enterprises In Cimahi City.

Suhayati, Ely (2017) The Influence of Audit Fee, Audit Time Budget Pressure And Public Accountant Attitude on The Public Accountant Dysfunctional Bahavior and It��s Implication on Audit Quality.

Suhayati, Ely (2017) Kajian Kualitas Audit Terhadap Kualitas Informasi dalam Laporan Keuangan.

Suhayati, Ely (2017) Karakteristik Auditor Dalam Melaksanakan Audit Investigasi dan Audit Forensik.

Suhayati, Ely (2017) Pengaruh Independensi Akuntan Publik dan Audit Judgment terhadap Opini Akuntan Publik.

Suhayati, Ely (2017) Pengaruh Penerimaan Pajak Pengambilan Dan Pemanfaatan Air Bawah Tanah Serta Permukaan Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Daerah Pada Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kab. Bandung.

Suhayati, Ely (2017) Pengaruh Profesionalisme Akuntan Publik Terhadap Pelaksanaan Etika Profesi Akuntan Publik (Survey Pada Lima Kantor Akuntan Publik di Wilayah Bandung).

Suhayati, Ely (2017) Reputasi Kantor Akuntan Publik Terhadap Rentang Waktu Penyelesaian Audit.

Suhayati, Ely (2017) The Role of Public Accountant Integrity to Public Accountant Profesionalism in Detecting the manipulation of Financial statement.

Suhayati, Ely (2018) The Role of Public Accountant Integrity to Public Accountant Profesionalism in Detecting the manipulation of Financial statement.

Suhayati, Ely (2017) Sikap Negatif dari Akuntan Publik akan Menimbulkan Disfungsional Akuntan Publik.

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