Accounting Information System Design Receivable At Santo Borromeus Hospital Bandung Using Software Microsoft Visual Basic.Net And Database Mysql

Waluya Firdaus, Dony and Rusmana, Uus (2015) Accounting Information System Design Receivable At Santo Borromeus Hospital Bandung Using Software Microsoft Visual Basic.Net And Database Mysql. ICo-ApICT 2015.

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Financial statements are the Saint Borromeos Hospital is in conformity with the accounting standards Hospitals, but on the billing in the data processing redemption patients are still not integrated with other parts that could result in data input errors that have been generated from one section to another. Based on the above reasons, the authors take the title: "Accounting Information System Design Patient Due Contractor Santo Borromeus Hospital Bandung Using Software Microsoft Visual Basic.Net And Database MySql". Hospital of St. Borromeus is a service company that is engaged in the healthcare field. The author conducted research on the billing. The research design I use is the design of the study with primary and secondary data, the study is a type of academic research, the type of data used is descriptive research method, survey, and explanatory, data collection techniques used are field research and library research, development models system used is output-oriented methodology, process and data. The structure of the development of the system used is the waterfall. The design of the information system used was the context diagrams, data flow diagrams, and flowcharts. The author made a design Receivable Accounting Information Systems are expected in processing patient billing data can be processed by either the contractor so as to facilitate the financial reporting process.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Design, Accounting Information Systems, Accounts Receivable, Microsoft Visual Basic.Net & MySql
Subjects: ?? UNIK1542 ??
Divisions: Universitas Komputer Indonesia > Perpustakaan UNIKOM
Date Deposited: 10 Dec 2015 10:25
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2019 10:25

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