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Bona Frazila, Russ (2012) Route choice observation in Bandung street network.
Bonatua Lubis, W (2012) Characteristics of asphalt concrete wearing course mix at different compaction levels.
Budihartanto, Eko (2012) Stabilization of a poorly-graded sand with cut-back bitumen and a soil water slurry.
Hamidi, Hermansyah (2012) Stiffness modulus and permanent deformation characteristics of asphalt mix containing gilsonite.
Hendri, Nofi (2012) Characteristics of a gap-graded asphalt made with recycled-concrete fine aggregate.
Ilham (2012) Penelitian laboratorium dari split mastic asphalt dengan serat selulosa CF-31500.
Irwan (2012) Laboratory evaluation of stone mastic asphalt with arbocel additive.
Khalidin (2012) Development of a computer program for analysing cumulative oversaturation of a signalised intersection.
Muryanta (2012) Evaluation of road traffic delay from closure of a railway level crossing in Bandung.
Muryanta (2012) Evaluation of road traffic delay from closure of a railway level crossing in Bandung.
Nahdalina (2012) Delay at an oversaturated signalised intersection.
Oktorizal, Buyung (2012) Influence of salt water immersion on the compressive strength of a hot rolled sheet mixture.
Prahara, Eduardi (2012) Development of instantaneous car fuel consumption model.
Prayitno, Wasi (2012) Characteristics and use of andesite aggregate from Pacitan in asphalt concrete binder course.
Rahman, Harmein (2012) Study on polished stone value of aggregates used for Jagorawi toll road.
Sartiyono, Tasripin (2012) Laboratory evaluation of Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) containing roadcel-50.
Satrio, Budi (2012) Argojati lime in soil stabilization.
Siswanto, Henri (2012) Characteristics of asphalt concrete wearing course made with latex-bitumen binder.
Sitompul, Buyung (2012) Road roughness measurements on penetration macadam road surfaces using dipstick, merlin and viewrecon.
Subarjo (2012) Pedestrian behaviour at a signalised intersection in Bandung.
Subarnowo, Bagas (2012) Trip generation and parking demand for one mixed activity commercial center.
Suhartono, Gogot (2012) The Effects of controlling density on the characteristics of bituminous mixes having various gradations and compaction temperatures.
Zain, Nasuhi (2012) Determination of embankment surcharge requirement for construction on soft clay.