Use Of Social Media In Preserving Local Cultural Identity In The Cipaku Cultural Community, Sumedang, Indonesia

Hariyati, Farida and Rahmawati, Yulia and Setiawati, Titin and Solihin, Olih (2023) Use Of Social Media In Preserving Local Cultural Identity In The Cipaku Cultural Community, Sumedang, Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the 3nd Annual International Conference on Natural and Social Science Education (ICNSSE 2023).

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Culture is a way of life that is developed and owned by a group, passed down from generation to generation. However, people are now starting to become less aware of local culture, especially the younger generation who are active on social media. Social media can be used to share for various purposes, namely seeking information, doing business, entertainment and sharing educational and cultural values. Kabuyutan Cipaku is one of the local communities that uses social media to introduce, disseminate and share local cultural values and activities. This local community is trying to preserve the cultural identity of Cipaku's traditional heritage which has faded because their village was flooded for the Jatigede Dam construction project. This research focuses on the use of social media to preserve local cultural identity by the Cipaku Kabuyutan and how to maintain sustainability in its use. Based on interviews with the founder of Kabuyutan Cipaku, and examining social media on Facebook, Instagram and WordPress, it is revealed that society has practiced culturally mediated communication through social media. For the Cipaku people, their local cultural identity must be preserved because it carries their ties between community members throughout time.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: Prosiding
Divisions: Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Depositing User: Muhamad Heru Nuralam
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2025 06:30
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2025 06:30

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